KTC Affiliated Artists Digital Marketing Program
KTC Affiliated Artists is the newest version of the digital and virtual marketing division of Katharine T. Carter & Associates, launched April 2022, which serves to reshape non-profit promotion for museums, while fully encompassing the commercial sector as well for galleries and corporate spaces through digital and virtual representation. With a weekly Newsletter featuring two or more artists, a News section marketing the accomplishments of our clients, and Press Releases when appropriate, we showcase our clients’ artwork in elegant installations of virtual solo and group exhibitions. Our clients are also featured in group exhibitions curated by the Associates and other invited critics and museum curators. Katharine T. Carter and Aj Gasso have partnered to create KTC Affiliated Artists (ktcaffiliatedartists.com). Developed for past, current, as well as new clients of Katharine T. Carter & Associates, this effort is uniquely designed to enhance the artist’s on-line presence; with an updated email list of 14K art professionals nationwide that includes museum directors and curators, critics, art writers and general media, galleries and gallerists, consultants, collectors, scholars, architects and designers.
KTCAffiliated Artists offers an effective promotional tool to secure and support scheduled exhibitions in the non-profit and commercial sectors, and to market other events and professional accomplishments of our clients. This program is directed by Katharine T. Carter, and managed in active collaboration with Aj Gasso, our clients’ digital Dream Alchemist, working his magic in the creation of weekly Newsletter “High Lights” featuring two or more clients along with client updates in the News section, and offering client dedicated Press Releases, along with stunning virtual museum/gallery installations. Partnerships are maintained with other successful marketing platforms such as Art in America, Art Guide Pro, Kunstmatrix/Berlin and Art Logic/London. All sales leads from inquiries are handed directly to our artist clients without a referral commission or percentage of sale ever charged to the artist.
KTC Affiliated Artists Annual Program Includes:
- No referral fees or commissions ever paid by the artists to KTC; all inquiries and leads turned over to the artists
- Written support to include a 750 word essay, artist statement, biographical summary, one page press release, and marketing pitch letter
- Dedicated website for each artist on ArtLogic; linked to all virtual exhibitions on Kunstmatrix, and to the artist’s website
- One virtual solo exhibition annually; two curated virtual group shows annually with Associate critics
- Facebook and Instagram posts when appropriate to support artist’s professional activities
- Weekly Newsletters with “High Lights” and News section promoting current events and exhibitions to 14K art professionals nationwide; (Samples available upon request)
- All actual and virtual exhibitions listed on Art in America Art Guide Pro
- Two dedicated artist Press Releases designed for media coverage (1300 contacts) for both non-profit and for profit-exhibitions (Samples available upon request)
- Guest-curated exhibitions by critics and museum curators, special projects and events featured in The Viewing Rooms with optional/add-ons in exclusively upgraded, 3-D designed IKONOSPACES for exhibitions
How KTC Affiliated Artists Operates
For 37 years, Katharine T. Carter & Associates has built up extensive email lists of over 14K contact addresses specifically targeting museums and non-profit institutions nationwide, commercial galleries in larger metro areas, and a broad range of art professionals including art consultants, art writers and media contacts, art collectors and enthusiasts. Our most recent update was accomplished in December 2021, and our next update and new additions will occur in August, 2022. Katharine T. Carter has pledged to KTC Affiliated Artists to invest a second $5000 to this database enhancement effort. She has booked over 1000 exhibitions nationwide for her clients since 1985.
KTC Affiliated Artists highlights two or more artists every week in a Newsletter to our combined mailing list, providing critical discourse to accompany the work in our Newsletter “High Lights”, which includes links to their virtual exhibitions, to upcoming exhibitions and articles about their work in the News section. Virtual group exhibitions are also promoted to encourage a gallerist or curator to seriously entertain hosting exhibitions by our clients. This is amplified by inviting Museum Curators that Katharine T Carter has worked with over the years to guest-curate exhibitions; this is a new service to be offered beginning in September 2022.
The Viewing Rooms on ArtLogic offer “exclusive exposure” with larger, architecturally designed spaces in the IONOSPACES available through Kunstmatrix. Separate and apart from the standard galleries offered in the KTC Affiliated Artists basic program, the artist’s presence in The Viewing Room, is reserved for private invitation only guest-curated exhibitions, special projects and events. Artists are beautifully showcased in all exhibition spaces to further validate both work and career. Links are provided to the artists own website as well. Additional inclusive promotion will utilize social media platforms on Facebook and Instagram. This enhances an artist’s online visibility and helps grow their audience base, and encourages coverage by the media.
When KTC Affiliated Artists or Katharine T. Carter & Associates Receives a Sales Inquiry
If there is interest expressed by a collector through ArtLogic or through Art in America/ArtNews, or if we receive a general inquiry via our website, we refer the inquiry directly to the artist. Katharine T. Carter & Associates and KTC Affiliated Artists will not take any sales commissions, as has been the practice since the founding of the company in 1985. The artist handles all negotiations and shipping arrangements directly with the collector/purchaser.
The Requirements to Build an ArtLogic Site and a Kunstmatrix Solo Virtual Museum/Gallery Installations are below and this is accomplished in the first 90 days of the contract period.
The following requirements must be met:
- Hi-res images of artwork (25-35 pieces max) with titles, dimensions, date, media and price; images must be dpi 150-300; image length 1600 pixels
- Installation shots of past museum and gallery exhibitions and an artist’s picture if professionally photographed
- Fully-proofed, and updated resume in pdf format (additions only allowed once annually at the outset of the contract period)
- Any on-line press, critical writings and quotes and Blog Posts with links
- Artist’s website address
- Completed written support
KTC Affiliated Artists: 12-month standard contract for new clients without pre-existing visual and written support materials: $9000 annually. These standard support pieces must be designed and written by the Associate critics for overall consistency and quality. (750-word critic’s Catalogue Essay, Artist Statement, Biography, One-Page Press Release, and a Marketing Pitch Letter that can be adapted to the Non-profit, Commercial, and Media Sectors. The production of these written materials are included in the price for the program and are a requirement. KTC Museum clients who already have their written support materials and artists renewing their current contract: $6000 annually.
Other exclusive exhibition spaces (IKONOSPACES) offered through Kunstmatrix (beyond the standard five galleries with extended space included in the KTC Affiliated Artists program) are considered “add-ons” and are billed at the Kunstmatrix quoted costs in US dollars for 12 months. There are 10 IKONOSPACES to choose from and these are reserved for special projects and events such as artists’ books, expanded exhibition catalogues, guest-curated exhibitions by critics and museum curators, prior museum installations from selected venues, and contract concurrent museum and gallery exhibition installations.
Ala carte and independent services:
Artists who do not wish to affiliate with the KTC Affiliated Artists program and who are seeking independent services can purchase exhibition installations in one of the 10 Kunstmatrix IKONOSPACES hosting from 40 works up to 100 works, for six months, and would be provided with a direct “KTC unaffiliated” link to Kunstmatrix to use for their own marketing efforts. This also includes the basic written package and essay: $4500 for up to a maximum 40 works of art; up to 100 works $7500). Plus a one-time additional fee for the Kunstmatrix IONOSPACES gallery of their choice as advertised, in US dollars. This also includes an exhibition catalogue on Kunstmatrix, which is a listing with images of the individual works in the exhibition with prices and the critics essay. All sales inquiries are passed directly to the artist without any commission paid to KTC.
Written support is quoted on a per job basis and has increased 50 cents per word ($2.50-3.00 per word) depending on writer; standard basic writing package is now $3000.
Digital Marketing and Press Release Effort (repeated 3 times) to 1300 leading critics, art writers, local and general media nationwide is $3750; to 14K mailing list is $7500 repeated 3 times and requires and includes written support package.
Addendum: Museum/non-profit and Gallery commercial sector placement
KTC Affiliated Artists is a Digital Marketing Program and its function is to promote artists’ activities, careers, events and exhibitions. If in the process of marketing work by a KTC Affiliated Artist a gallery or museum exhibition is secured for the artist, a placement fee is due to Katharine T. Carter & Associates. Acceptance is non-obligatory; artists who wish to participate in this program must indicate their intension at the beginning of the contract period, and sign a museum program contract specifying terms.
Placement in a brick and mortar gallery (not digital) is billed incrementally from inclusion in a group show through to a three or two person, or a one-person exhibition. Fees range from $900-1200. for inclusion in a large group show up to $6000 dollars or more for a one-person gallery exhibition, depending on the location and reputation of the gallery (NYC , LA and other major cities carry the highest placement fees). Consultant placement or other commercial sector opportunities also carry placement fees. Placement fees in the non-profit sector (museums, art centers, college and university galleries and museums), is based on annual audience attendance and professional ranking assessment of each venue based on both the American Association of Museums Official Directory and the American Art Directory; fees assessed are also based on the length of the exhibition, location, visibility and reputation of the exhibition venue. These fees range anywhere from $1500.00 for a small, non-profit art center to $6000 or more for a museum with over 100,000 in annual attendance. Placement fees on average range between $2500 and $3500. for mid-sized institutions. Shipping and insurance is the responsibility of the hosting venue; crating for LTL shipping is the responsibility of the artist. The production of museum wall text and a catalogue is also a requirement when an exhibition is booked; catalogues can be reused for up to 3 years for ongoing marketing. Participation in group exhibitions have assessed placement fees at approximately “one-third” for inclusion of three to five or more works. For more information about the KTC museum program please see: Exhibition Placement Services.